Neighborhood residents played a key role in forming Corporation to Develop Communities of Tampa, Inc.
in 1992. Since then, residents have continued to drive change in the East Tampa community and beyond by taking on a wide array of roles--including as members of CDC of Tampa's Resident Advisory Board.
Known as ET N.O.W (Neighborhood Organizing Works), this group of community change agents is instrumental in representing the interests of residents at large in CDC of Tampa's strategic planning and implementation processes. ET N.O.W. members sit on our Board of Directors, and routinely provide valuable input to our CEO and staff.
The Resident Advisory Board is also actively engaged in
cultivating a new generation of resident leaders.
Emerging leaders from East Tampa and Sulphur Springs, youth ages of 18 and 24 and seniors over 65,
are the focus of the Resident Training & Leadership Institute led by ET N.O.W.
The Resident Training & Leadership Institute includes three key elements--all designed to grow
resident leadership:
+ training sessions on a variety of leadership topics
+ participant-led community improvement projects, as well as
+ ongoing mentoring and volunteering/leadership opportunities
Contact us today to learn more about upcoming training institute schedules.
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